Communication between PC and FLEXI-232
MELPe Sample Program for Developing VoIP Application
Compandent can provide its customers with a specially developed C++ sample program for full duplex exchange of MELPe compressed bitstream between PC and FLEXI-232 via USB or RS-232 ports, for record + loopback or playback. Such a program may be used as an example for developing applications such as MELPe VoIP between PCs and other MELPe VoIP terminals. The program is provided as MSVC++ project. The block diagram of a communication system including a PC and data terminal is illustrated in Figure 1.

You may find the sample program helpful for developing your own application for VoIP communication such as illustrated below:

Upon startup the program shows the following window. Set the correct COM port number, select the desired MELPe rate. You can browse and set the “Record File”, and the “Playback File”. These files contain MELPe compressed data (at the selected rate).

For details contact us, Download MELPe Package Fact Sheet
, Compandent MELPe FAQ
Please note: Compandent owns intellectual property (IP) in the official (standard) MELPe implementation, and any of its derivatives (see for example USCO certificate of copyright registration numbers: TX0006703781 (postfilt.asm), TX0006845325 (lpc_lib.asm), TX0007161044 (lpc_lib.c), , and many more. Any party intending to develop products based on MELPe should contact Compandent as well as other IP holders regarding licensing.
To report bugs or suggestions to the MELPe algorithm implementation please contact us.
melpe via mobile device or tablet
iPhone and Android mobile device application using MELPe STANAG-4591. Compandent provide sample mobile application.